Blue Castle Project Logo
Leading the West in New Nuclear Power


Blue Castle Holdings Inc. (BCH) is focused on enabling the construction and operation of a
two-unit nuclear power plant near Green River, Utah. This first project has been designated as the Blue Castle Project. The complete Federal licensing and State planning of a site for deploying a new nuclear power production facility is being conducted to provide predictable, cost competitive new base load electric power generation and to reduce developmental risk for electric utilities.

Learn More About Us


What is nuclear power and how does it work? We have provided several videos and resource links from various sources.  These sources are independent and some will re-direct you to a separate site.


What are the considerations for water use?  By using less than 1% of current water diversion in Utah, the Blue Castle Project will increase the electricity produced in Utah by 50%.  


Why do Utah and the Western U.S. need new nuclear power? The demand for electrical power in the Western U.S. is increasing faster than resources can be effectively deployed.




Blue Castle Project


 Nuclear Plant Water Use


Nuclear Power 

Plant Safety

Nuclear Production

Cost of Electricity

Learn More Facts


9-2-2019 Second APR-1400 unit starts commercial operation
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8-30-2019 US Department of Energy 'all in' on new nuclear, says deputy secretary
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8-29-2019 WNA Report: Global nuclear energy capacity rises for sixth straight year
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8-29-2019 Policymakers must drive nuclear further, report says
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8-8-2019 Sixth Yangjiang unit enters commercial operation
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